Tornado-Proof Kennel | #GunnerSaves

An EF-4 tornado ripped through our neighborhood here in Newport, Arkansas. We ran for shelter but couldn’t make it to get Millet in time. His GUNNER saved his life.

Tornado-Proof Kennel | #GunnerSaves

Story by Ashley McCormick | As Told by GUNNER

My husband and I live in Arkansas, and we had gotten home around 10:00 PM from an event and turned on the news to check the weather before going to sleep. We immediately saw a tornado warning telling us to be in our safe places– thankfully we’d had some friends message us earlier in the day that we could come over and use their shelter, so we threw on clothes and ran to their house two streets over. The instant we got into the cellar, the lights went out.

Once the tornado passed and we were able to leave the shelter, we jumped into our vehicle and headed back to our house. At first everything looked fine, but then we realized the shop, where our dog Millet had been, was completely gone. We started running. My husband called out that he saw Millet's G1 Large Kennel and immediately went to check on him. Millet was completely fine. He was a bit confused and shaken, but he was completely safe despite the fact that everything else in our shop had blown away. Nothing in that building was where we left it except for that GUNNER. His kennel was right next to a refrigerator that was blown 25 yards away with the doors completely ripped off– you can actually see it circled in red in the photo. But his kennel was totally fine.

Our house got by mostly unscathed, but our neighbors weren’t so lucky. The tornado’s path went just behind our house, and the house behind ours is almost completely gone.

We knew GUNNERs were built for vehicle crash protection. We never intended to test the tornado rating of it though. Thank y’all for a truly life saving product.

If Millet had been outside of his kennel, he would’ve been crushed by something or been impaled by flying debris. We just got his kennel in November, and I couldn’t be more grateful. I wanted to share my story with y’all and say thank you for making such a great product. We couldn't believe that it was still sitting where we left it, meanwhile all of Millet’s old kennels had blown away and were in shambles 100 yards away in the treeline. They were completely gone, and Millet wouldn’t have still been there unharmed without your kennel.


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