As Told By Gunner | Words by Tahra Wiseman
I work for a local dog training company in Houston, TX. We handle a lot of boarding and travel often with dogs for training. I rely on Gunner Kennels to keep them safe when I do.
My investment paid off this past fall when I was hit by a semi truck going approximately 60MPH while transporting a client’s 1-year-old German Shepherd Dog in the G1™ Intermediate dog kennel.
I had just wrapped up training with the GSD and was headed back to drop him off, when the semi cut into my lane on the interstate. I must have been in his blind spot because I hit that truck head-on, totaling my 2016 Toyota Tundra and banging myself up pretty good in the process.
At the time the Gunner kennel was secured in the cab of the truck, wedged between the folded-up back seat and the driver’s side. I had it strapped down with one strap*. Your product kept my client’s dog completely safe before, during and after the wreck.
I wanted to get him out of the car in the Houston heat right away, so I transferred him to another vehicle immediately after the accident. He was just as happy and bouncy in the crate after the wreck as he was before it — it was as if the crash didn’t happen. I was sore for weeks.
His owner took him to the vet the next day to make sure there were no underlying injuries, and all was well. The owner said her GSD kenneled right up and still gladly jumps in her Jeep to go places with her. I was traumatized after the accident, but the dog wasn’t one bit.
The Gunner dog crate did not budge an inch during the accident. It was a tight fit for the GSD in the Intermediate crate, but that served him well as I don’t think he was rocked at all on impact.
The crate is still fully functional and has absolutely no damage from the crash. I found Gunner on Facebook three years ago, and am thankful I did.
I recommend you guys to clients all the time. Thank you.
*Please note: Gunner recommends strapping down your kennel with our Gunner strength-rated straps 100% of the time.
Tahra Wiseman’s Toyota Tundra -
Tahra Wiseman’s kennel at the wreck -
Tahra Wiseman with her personal dogs.
Read more Gunner Save Stories: “A Car Running From The Police Hit Me At 130MPH“