Volvo Accident Stories Show How Kennels Kept Dogs Safe

Robb Moore's wife was on a two lane highway, traveling at the 55mph speed limit, when a car ran a stop sign, going about the same speed, and very nearly T-boned her in the driver’s side, impacting the forward left side, knocking her off the road, up an embankment, and flipped her upside down. Here's what happened next.

Volvo Accident Stories Show How Kennels Kept Dogs Safe

written by Robb Moore of A Man and His Bird Dog

Circumstances have altered my review plans for the “these are a few of my favorite things” series. We’ll get back to dog trainers next time. Today’s installment is brought to you by the collective partnership of a stop-sign violator, a spectacularly well-designed Volvo XC40, a Gunner Kennel, and the most badass person I know, my wife.

Heather’s brand new Volvo XC40 at the wreckers
Heather’s brand new Volvo XC40 at the wrecker’s, right side up

My wife was on a two lane highway, traveling at the 55mph speed limit, when a car ran a stop sign, going about the same speed, and very nearly T-boned her in the driver’s side, impacting the forward left side, knocking her off the road, up an embankment, and flipped her upside down.

Because she was in a new Volvo XC40 when all this happened, Heather was able to unbuckle herself, kick her way out of the door, and walked away from that horrible accident with only a massive seatbelt bruise and a sore torso, some scratches from the shattered glass, and a back in a little need of some physical therapy – but luckily, and so far, nothing more serious than all that. Our almost two-year Brittany was not in the car, but his Medium Gunner Kennel was.

It took us a week to coordinate our schedules so we could go together to the rural wrecker’s to see the car and get the kennel and other items out of it, so I was very curious as to how the kennel had held up.

I was thankful I’d installed it in the Volvo with the recommended Gunner straps so that it hadn’t become a large and deadly projectile in such a high-speed accident. Upon inspection, its straps had not only held but seemed absolutely pristine. The kennel was, I think, the only thing in the car that wasn’t a part of the car that was in the exact same position and in the exact same condition as it was before the accident.

Lincoln’s Medium Gunner Kennel as found at the wrecker’s inside a destroyed volvo car
Lincoln’s Medium Gunner Kennel as found at the wrecker’s inside our destroyed car. Lincoln was not in the car at the time of accident

Distinguishing them from most other SUV cargo hooks I’ve seen, which are not sturdy enough to hold in a serious accident, the Volvo XC40’s cargo hooks, welded into the frame, worked in concert with the outstanding Gunner straps and stability bars to keep the kennel from becoming a large and dangerous projectile upon impact and, in fact, kept it from moving even an inch.

Despite my investigating the straps and the kennel thoroughly, there just wasn’t the slightest sign of damage on either the straps or the kennel.

I’m very confident that had he been in the car and kennel at the time, our boy would have walked away from this horrific accident together with Heather…………


Lincoln, Robb's two-year-old Brittany
Lincoln, Robb’s two-year-old Brittany. Thankfully Lincoln was not in the car at the time but his kennel was.
The other car, that T-boned Heather
The other car, that T-boned Heather


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