How to Install Two Large Kennels in a Truck

One of our most common questions from customers with multiple large-breed dogs: "how do I install two Large G1 Kennels in the bed of a truck."

TL;DR: The kennels will need to be raised around two inches in order to fit between the wheel wells in a full-size truck bed. 

How to Install Two Large Kennels in a Truck

Fitting Between the Wheel Wells

Connecting the Kennels

When connected together, the footprint of two of our Large G1 GUNNER Kennels approximately 56" wide by 40 1/4" long. While there is some small variation between each make/model of truck, the width between the wheel wells is just a bit too narrow to accommodate that 56" requirement. Thus, you'll need to slightly raise the kennels in order for them to sit flush next to each other. For most trucks, the kennels need to be raised between 2" – 2.5". Below are a few different solutions we've seen from our customers. 

When you place two kennels side-by-side, it's still important to strap them down. We created the Connection Strap Kit to be paired with our Tie-Down Strap Kit, allowing you to join the two kennels together and strap the four corners as you would a single kennel.


A Truck Drawer System

One of the most useful solutions we've seen (and most of our staff chooses for their truck) is a drawer system for the bed of their truck, such as DECKED or TruckVault. These drawer systems provide a level surface just above the wheel wells for the kennels to sit next to one another while also creating a great way to organize and store your gear during travel. 

Two Large Gunner Kennels DECKED

Shipping Pallet

The simplest option we've seen is a standard shipping pallet. This is a quick and easy way to raise the kennels while providing a level surface for them to sit. 

Two Large Gunner Kennels on Plastic Shipping Pallet
Two Large Gunner Kennels on Wood Shipping Pallet
Two Large Gunner Kennels on wooden Shipping Pallet

DIY Solutions

If you're after a more permanent solution, or would rather build a tailored solution yourself, the DIY route is probably best for you. There's plenty of examples of storage solutions and home-made drawer systems out there for inspiration.

Mid-Size Trucks

Though we're talking about full-size trucks here, it's worthwhile to note: two of our Large GUNNERs will not fit side-by-side in a mid-size truck bed while facing the tailgate. However, they can fit between the wheel wells if the doors face either the driver or passenger side of the truck. 

Further questions? Give our CX team a shout, they'd be more than happy to help. 



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