GUNNER Intermediate Versus Large: Which Size Is Best For My Dog?

[VIDEO] Founder Addison Edmonds and Gunner, here to answer our most asked question regarding sizing of GUNNER kennels.

GUNNER Intermediate Versus Large: Which Size Is Best For My Dog?

⁠”Intermediate or Large?” is our #1 most asked sizing question at GUNNER Kennels.

Deciding Between a GUNNER Kennel: Intermediate versus Large size

First, use our Fit Finder app to determine your best size.

If you’ve taken our Fit Finder app and still are on the fence for sizing, watch this video from Addison below.

How We Recommend Size At GUNNER

Addison created the GUNNER kennel specifically for transportation, and that factors into our own fit recommendations. When you take our fit finder app, the return results will let you know which size we are suggesting for travel and what size we suggest for primary home use.

If using the crate for traveling we will always recommend a snugger fit. This protects the dog in the case of an accident: the less wasted interior space the better. It’s a bit of a mind-shift in what you might normally take into consideration when selecting a kennel but we believe this is for the safety of the dog. Many of our customers have found that their dog feels more secure when traveling in a tighter area, too.⁠

Those of you who are using their crate primarily for home kenneling will obviously want to opt for a larger size if the dog is spending longer, more consistent periods of time in there.⁠


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